Thursday, 7 May 2015

Best Time to post on Social Media

Social Site
Best Time
Worst Time
Best Day
Worst Day
9am to 11am
6pm to 8am
7am to 9am &
5pm to 6pm
10pm to 6am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Monday and Friday
12am to 1am, 2pm to 4pm & 8pm to 12am
1pm to 4pm
8pm to 8am
Saturday and Sunday
1pm to 3pm
8pm to 9am
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Saturday and Sunday
7pm to 10pm
10pm to 4pm
Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday

Best Time to post on social media

Google+: 9am to 11am

Linkedin: 7am to 9am, 5pm to 6pm

Pinterest: 12am to 1am, 2pm to 4pm and 8pm to 12am

Facebook: 1pm to 4pm 

(Office opening times 10.30 to 11.30, Before Lunch around 1.30pm, after lunch around 2.30pm, before leaving office 5.30pm  - These are the times when people used to check Facebook, and smartphone user check in the early morning, during watching TV in the evening but it doesn't lead to more clicks, it gives us like, comment and shares. )

Twitter: 1pm to 3 pm

Tumblr: 7pm to 10pm

Worst Time to post on social media

Facebook: 8pm to 8am

Google+: 6pm to 8am

Twitter: 8pm to 9am

Linkedin: 10pm to 6am

Tumblr: 10pm to 4pm

Best Days

Facebook: Webnesday

Twitter: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Linkedin: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Pinterest: Saturday

Tumblr: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday

Worst Days

Facebook: Saturday and Sunday

Twitter: Saturday and Sunday

Linkedin: Monday and Friday

*The Above Data vary business to business and the audience you target.

[Today, more people access Facebook from a mobile device than a desktop — 1.01 billion monthly active users to be exact.
Smartphone owners tend to reach for their phones around meal times and 86 percent of mobile internet users report using their device while watching TV.
80 percent of 18-44 year olds check their smartphone as soon as they wake up.
Note: This does not include clicks on links. It includes only “Likes,” comments, and shares. ]

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